+ pictures from aespa.com

original post: here

1. Winter is insane
2. Winter seriously looks like she has so much stories behind her… She makes my heart move..
4. The concept is honestly so good, it’s hip and it also follows aespa’s world view. It’s attacking my otaku heart… The members all suit this concept perfectly
5. Winter’s cold beauty and cold handsomness is insane… Why is she so handsome? Her aura is too goodㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
6. This is their best concept yet, I hope their album will be f*cking pretty…………
7. Ah the concept is honestly so good ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ The members yesterday too
8. Karina is an AI rihght?
9. Kaaarina looks more CG than CG
10. aespa’s concept this time is really good

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About the Author: admin

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